You might be losing potential customers on Google Ads without knowing it. How? By using basic copy on Google Ads (previously known as Google AdWords). Google Ads is one of the most trusted and reliable advertising networks on the web. Over 70% searches happen on Google Ads and the search behemoth is not slowing down.

Google Ads recently made some changes by offering more room to adjust expanded text ads. So using this network effectively is one of the key components to growing your business. We have seen benefits of good Google Ads copy and we have seen how bad copy can drag down a business. The Google Ads need to make potential customers to take action. With better copy, your quality score goes up, which both lowers costs and puts you in front of more clients. Here are a few tips on how to create click-inducing Google Ads copy.

Match your landing page and URL to your Google Ads copy
One of the keys to bringing up the quality score on Google Ads is making sure your ad copy matches the landing page copy. Lack of consistency is a killer of conversions, no matter what the context.

If you are advertising free shipping and you send your potential client to a landing page that does not even mention it, you have failed, no matter how good the copy on the page might be. Think of your Google Ads as laying out the benefit of your landing page. Both need to have the same theme which means optimizing them for the same keyword.

Do not use dynamic keyword insertion on Google Ads
Dynamic Keyword Insertion is a technology that allows Google to insert the exact keyword the customer searches for in your ad copy. The problem is, it doesn't seem like it's usually the way to go. It sounds great in theory by showing your customer exactly what they are looking for, but in practice, it actually can hinder your ad creativity, which is the exact opposite of what you are trying to do.

Use SKAG for your Google Ads copy
SKAG stands for Single Keyword Ad Group. Google Ads recommends five to twenty keywords per group, but this does not seem to be the most effective method of reaching customers. You only have a small amount of space in Google Ads text, and fitting all suggested keywords into the same ad is impossible. You are also going to run into the issue with relevance. You should focus on taking one keyword and optimizing it.

Find your best-producing keywords and add each keyword to its own ad group. Use an exact match, phrase match and broad match on each. Then create Google Ads that use the exact keyword. Use the keyword in both your headline and your page URL, and be consistent with your landing page as discussed earlier.

Be benefit-focused in your copy
When you are writing Google Ads content, you have to keep in mind that the average attention span is only eight seconds and that is not a lot. If you are not offering something that grabs attention, why would they pay attention?

What do you bring to the table that your competition does not? You need to keep an eye on your competition and find out what you can do that they do not. Be specific as there are thousands of advertisers out there saying "Free" and "Save" and "Buy Now". These Google Ads will get good results, but the best copy is specific, for example, "33 percent off your next order" or "five percent interest rates". Use numbers and cold, hard facts as well as your power words.

Use emotional appeal
Buying decisions always come from a change in emotional state. The six main emotions that drive sales are
Greed: I'll be rewarded for making a decision now
Fear: If I don't make a decision now, something bad will happen
Altruism: My decision now will help others
Envy: My competitors will win if I don't make a decision now
Pride: I'll look smart for making a decision now
Shame: If I don't make this decision now I'll look stupid

To find out which of these has the most emotional appeal to your audience, you will need to do market research.  Look at every successful as out there - there may be concrete information that anchors emotional appeal, but to grab attention, a successful ad must trigger emotion.

Always use a strong Call To Action on your Google Ads.
You have focused on a single keyword, and you are giving the benefits and using emotional appeal to grab attention. What is next? Your potential customer is on the hook, you have to set it. If you do not give them something to do, they will not follow through so do not forget about your Call To Action. You need a punchy sentence to end your ad and make sure they click through to your landing page.

Here is what you need
A strong command verb - Buy, Shop, Download, Subscribe, Find Out. Avoid "click" as this has shown is not strong enough to cause conversions.
Emotion-provoking language - Exclamation points are surprisingly useful for this, this is why you see them used everywhere.
Give them a reason - Why should they do this?
Create urgency - While you can, now, today, here. Adding urgency increases the likelihood to get a click.

Gotfunk does various steps in accordance with the above as just doing the copy is not nearly enough. You need to prune out keywords, remove areas that are not relevant and so much more. It takes a lot of work and this is why you need to hire a professional to manage and maintain your Google Ads.

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