Many people think that Designing a Logo is simple. There is much more than crafting a brand's visual identity than just placing a name in a square and calling it a day. Logo designers are in high demand and for good reason, logos are the company's first impression.

Be Unique and Clever

A good Logo Design is what helps distinguish a brand from its competitors, so it is important that the brand stands out from the rest, this is something that many brands struggle with. It is important to create something that you believe is different from anything out there. It is near impossible to create a Logo that is original, but that should always be the goal.

Understanding the Brand

A logo is an image, but it is the introduction to a brand. A logo buts reach a specific audience, so keep this in mind when designing. Is the brand utility-driven or is it more focused on evoking emotion? Is it contemporary or quirky? What does the customer care about? What does the brand aspire to be? It is helpful to stay up to date with design trends, but its more vital to stay true to a brands personality. More than anything, know what the logo means, every logo has some kind of history.

Colour Is Key

When you think about the brands' personality, you have to think about every aspect. Bright and bold colours may grab someone's attention, but can also seem brash. Muted tones show sophistication but can be overlooked. Every colour has a different implication. Here is a quick break down of what some colours can portray in a Logo Design

Red: energetic, sexy, bold
Orange: creative, friendly, youthful
Yellow: sunny, inventive, optimism
Green: growth, organic, instructional
Blue: professional, medical, tranquil, trustworthy
Purple: spiritual, wise, evocative
Black: credible, powerful
white: simple, clean, pure
Pink: fun, flirty
Brown: rural, historical, steady

What's In A Name?

A logo consists of two elements, a wordmark and a symbol. Before a company can represent themselves with a symbol, a great deal of advertising must be done. Some companies choose to stay with the entire logo. Whether your brand can use a Logotype depends on the kind of name the brand has. If your company has a unique name, then you can use only a logotype, but if you have a generic name, then you are going to need something to identify the company by, which is normally achieved by using a logo mark. When considering fonts, be sure to avoid gimmicky fonts, utilize negative space and perhaps tweak an existing font. Many logos become more recognizable because of their custom fonts.

On our next article, we will talk about more aspects of Logo Design

logo design